Ah, the age old pairing of wine and cheese; it never fails to invoke thought at a simple gathering or elevate a dinner to the next level of elegance. In fact the act, no the art, of pairing wine and cheese has been around for at least 4000 years. Some different ways exist to pick which cheese to pair with which wine, but there really is no true method. It is more about what works for you personally.
The different ways of finding a suitable pairing can get pretty complex, or you can keep it simple. Some people like to pair based on regions; believing that wine from various regions have similar qualities to the cheese produced there. Others use strength to determine their pairing. While it is true that a strong red can overpower a light white cheese, it is not always a solid rule. The best rule is to just try it all and smile and move on at the few inevitable failure pairings that you find. You could even make a game out of it. Get some friends and an
apple cheese board laden with your cheese picks and plenty of wine to try with them all. You may even find that some like pairings that others find horrible.