What Alcohol Content Means To Your Wine
Many novice wine drinkers do not stop and take the time to read the label of any wine they are thinking about purchasing to enjoy. Other than seeing if it is a Pinot Noir or Bordeaux, and maybe the country of origin that is all they read before placing it in their Caddy wine tote to take home. Really this is a shame since there is so much more information on a bottle of wine that will give incite to how it will end up tasting. Alcohol content is a key part to any wine and will indicate just what flavor it will have when consumed. Some simply want to know alcohol content just so they can avoid those with high levels or pace their drinking carefully. But to those who know this is a big indication of just how sweet a bottle of wine is. The whole process of making wine is to ferment the sugar within the grapes to create a flavor drink. The longer any wine ferments the less sugar it will have while also having more alcohol. The sooner the fermentation process is stopped the more sugar will be retained in the wine but less alcohol will be created. Understanding this process and alcohol content levels can help consumers find wines they will prefer for their own particular tastes. For those who prefer sweet wines or those who want flavor without the sugar alcohol content can help you decide which wine to buy.
via Rhino Wino
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