Friday, December 17, 2010

Wal-Mart To Sell Wine From Vending Machine In Pennsylvania

With wine and liquor laws varying from state to state, at times you see an interesting idea from a business for getting around these laws in order to sell these to customers. The latest in wine sales is in Pennsylvania where Wal-Mart has received the green light to sell wine from vending machines.

For many the first question is why not just sell the wine from the store itself instead of using machines to dispense the vino. In Pennsylvania alcoholic beverages can only be sold in state run stores making it illegal for the chain to sell wine on their store shelves. The work around for the machine sales is a state employee can monitor the sell from a remote camera therefore making it legal.

The operation of the machines will be simple enough for those who want to buy wine. There will be more than fifty wines available and consumers will need to swipe their license proving their age and blow into a breathalyzer to complete the sale.

While these machines may not vend out extremely high quality wines they are being advertised as nice bottles of wine to serve with steak or seafood. The technology behind this is impressive and now consumers have a new reason to take along their Bahamas Insulated Wine Carrier when shopping at Wal-Mart so they can safely bring home their purchases.


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