Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Music and Wine Making

Thanks to the innovations of one Austrian, wine bottles may include a classical music piece on the label.  Markus Bachmann is convinced that music is the key to getting a great glass of red or white.  He is conducting a series of musical experiments with the aim to enhance the wine he makes by playing music to the fermenting grapes.  Other vintners have had ideas similar to this in the past but Markus Bachmann is sure that he has the key and determination to make a difference.  While earlier attempts have been shot down by scientists, Bachmann claims his approach is radically different. 

                The difference in Bachmann’s approach to adding music to wine is not simply playing music around the wine in progress but actually submersing a disc that emits music into the vat with the grapes.  Bachmann says that playing music outside of the tanks does nothing but the vibrations from his method should help to stimulate the yeast.  Of course it doesn’t have to be classical music; Bachmann has played selections of classical, jazz and electronic music to the grapes.  While still a work in progress, Bachmann is hopeful that in the future wine drinkers will pour a glass from their crystal wine decanters and marvel at whom they can taste the Vivaldi or Mozart in the vintage.


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