Thursday, March 03, 2011

Zinfandel, Cheese and Chocolate

                Zinfandel is a great variety of wine that is thought of as the classic deep, dark red wine that in the right light looks more like black than red.  It pairs great with heavier dishes and though it holds its own against even dark chocolate or rich beef dishes, zinfandel can still finish sweet.  Known for having a medium to high level of tannins, it makes up for it by having a sweetness that usually takes the form of hints of red fruits. The most notable thing about zinfandel though is its definite spiciness, reminiscent of pepper; unique but not overpowering. 

                This dynamic red grape can pair wonderfully with quite a lot.  One of the few vintages with the ability to pair with chocolate; most wine tastes sour and acidic when paired with sweets like chocolate;  though, true a sweet white wine may pair with delicate light chocolates like white.  This versatile wine also pairs well with savory dishes, keeping it from being thought of as a dessert wine the way port is by the average wine drinker.  In fact some of the best cheeses to put on the cheese boards to offer with zinfandel are hard, smoking ones like gruyere.


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