Friday, April 29, 2011

Wine For Mom

While a nice little bottle of wine may seem like a great thing to include in the offerings for mother’s day, make sure not to skimp on the wine’s quality.  Multiple studies have shown that women have a more acute sense of smell and taste than men or even children.  Yale even discovered that there is a chunk of the population that has more taste buds than the rest of the human population and that women are in the majority of this group.  Because while wine making and tasting has traditionally been a man’s activity, many women are edging their way into the field and making it common place for women to be respected for their tasting ability.  So if getting a bottle of wine for mom still seems like a good idea than make sure it is of good quality.  

                But if picking out a mom approved wine seems too intimidating for this mother’s day, another option is to get them some rhino wine gear and let them pick the wine that is to go in it later.  That way the selection is all on their more sensitive noses and tongues.


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