Thursday, April 07, 2011

Wine Keg Trend

A new trend is becoming popular with resturants wine kegs. This technology is part of the green movement that attempts to reduce waste made and recycle wherever possible to prolong the life of the planet. Wine kegs are a hint of genius for the green movement and resturant owner's alike. The kegs are reusable and require less material than dozens of glass bottles and benefit resturants because wine sold by the glass tends to oxidize when in the bottle.  The kegs are used and than cleaned and returned to the winery.

The savings from using wine kegs are clear for everyone involved in it.  The packaging cost of a case of wine can be as high as $40 while a wine keg holds  about three cases worth and costs just $30 apiece.  And again the resturant saves money by reducing the waste of wine sold by the glass that oxidzes.   The savings to the environmet are even clearer when recycable wine kegs are used.  But the savings of wine kegs are not as apparent to the consumor, they should try some nice wine art instead to have a reminder of wine love that doesn't cost money or require the same upkeep as a wine cellar or other tribute to wine.


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